
A 2-month and 20-day-old baby often wakes up during sleep. When picked up and comforted, it falls asleep again, but will wake up again soon after. This cycle repeats continuously. What could be the cause of this situation?


This condition may be due to insufficient calcium in the baby’s body. It is recommended to provide the baby with appropriate calcium supplementation, which may take some time to see effects. In the meantime, it is advisable to take the baby outdoors for moderate sun exposure, which helps in synthesizing vitamin D, thereby promoting calcium absorption. Calcium supplementation is a long-term process and not an overnight solution. At this age, many infants commonly experience calcium deficiency, so it is crucial to continue with calcium supplementation. Over time, the baby’s sleep condition should gradually improve. This is the answer to the question “Reasons for Babies Frequently Waking Up During Sleep.”