
Hello doctor, I don’t have any major problems, but I tend to sweat a lot more than usual, even during sleep. I’m curious about the cause.


Children sweat more frequently because of their rapid growth and development and vigorous metabolism. Additionally, their nervous system is not yet fully developed, and the brain’s ability to regulate the autonomic nervous system is not optimal. The sweat glands are controlled by the autonomic nervous system, so children are generally prone to sweating. If a child often sweats and there are no other abnormalities, such as good eating, sleeping, and mental state, parents can observe dynamically and pay attention to care in daily life, adjusting clothing according to cold and heat changes to avoid getting cold. It is also important to drink enough water and increase the intake of fresh fruits and vegetables in their diet. Foods rich in zinc, iron, and calcium should be included more. If the baby sweats while showing other unusual symptoms, it is necessary to seek medical advice and further clarify the cause.