
The baby’s throat is so painful that they can’t eat, and when they go to the hospital, they are told it’s ‘plum tongue.’ What is this condition? Can it be cured?


‘Plum tongue’ refers to a smooth, meat-red tongue surface with superficial cracks, and the tongue papillae are swollen and red, resembling a ripe plum, hence the name. Plum tongue can be one of the changes in the tongue of scarlet fever patients, as well as one of the clinical manifestations of Kawasaki disease. It is advisable to seek an accurate diagnosis at a local authorized hospital. Doctors can generally complete the diagnosis and prescribe medication based on the patient’s clinical presentation. If it is scarlet fever, treatment with penicillin can quickly cure it, with appropriate management of complications. If it is Kawasaki disease, intravenous injection of immunoglobulin or anticoagulants may be administered. During treatment, patients should strengthen the care of their skin and mouth, drink more water, eat more fruits and vegetables, and eat less spicy, greasy foods. They can also take a multivitamin complex under the guidance of a doctor.