My child has had an ear discharge for a while now, sometimes it even bleeds, and it has a bad odor. Could this be otitis media?
The symptoms of chronic otitis media include long-term ear discharge, varying in quantity, sometimes accompanied by bleeding, and often having a foul smell. The tympanic membrane may appear relaxed or perforated, and sometimes granulation tissue or cholesteatomatous epithelium can be observed in the middle ear or external auditory canal. Hearing tests usually show varying degrees of conductive hearing loss. Treatment can include topical antibiotics such as 0.25% chloramphenicol solution, chloramphenicol cortisone solution, 3% gentamicin solution, 1% berberine solution, etc., used for mucosal congestion, edema, or the presence of pus or mucopurulent discharge. It is important to note that for any medical issues, consultation with a professional doctor for evaluation and treatment is necessary.