
My child has been suffering from diarrhea for two weeks. Which hospital in the Hanzhong area offers the best pediatric treatment for diarrhea? Are there any specific recommendations, and do I need to visit a hospital for consultation?


Condition Analysis: Hello, based on your description, your child may be suffering from diarrhea. This condition is not uncommon, and most hospitals are capable of treating it. First, it is necessary to determine whether the diarrhea is caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Here are the corresponding medical recommendations:

  1. Conduct a routine stool test. If there are no signs of pus cells or white blood cells indicating bacterial infection, it is not recommended to use antibiotics; if they are indeed necessary, narrow-spectrum antibiotics should be chosen.
  2. Provide antiviral treatment, hydration, and electrolyte supplementation. It is ideal to perform a blood electrolyte test and supplement accordingly based on the results.
  3. You may use attapulgite powder, along with racemic cadexomer granules, etc.