
Recovery in the hospital is a ten-day treatment course. Should I continue with the recovery exercises after finishing one course or rest at home? My child has low muscle tone.


In comprehensive rehabilitation medicine, rehabilitation training is generally carried out through methods such as physical therapy, occupational therapy, and exercise therapy. Physical therapy includes training in gross motor skills, fine motor skills, balance, and coordination, such as crawling, purposeful recognition, training in grasping objects, holding items, sitting up, swinging, walking with support, stationary exercises, walking, and running. Physical therapy includes methods such as nerve stimulation therapy, thermal therapy, and hydrotherapy. Occupational therapy mainly involves training in abilities but generally has limited efficacy. Modern medical treatment methods also include surgery and the use of orthotics. Based on your description, each course typically lasts ten days and is conducted in the hospital. Whether you need to continue with recovery exercises after completing one course depends on the specific situation and it is recommended to consult with a professional doctor or rehabilitation therapist. They will assess and formulate further rehabilitation plans based on your child’s specific condition, which may include continuing with recovery exercises or resting at home.