
My daughter is 4 years old, and recently she has been saying that her ear itches and hurts. When I checked her ear, I found that the earwax is pus-like and a bit yellow. She also has tinnitus symptoms and a slight fever. How should this condition be treated?


In clinical practice, the main method for treating pediatric otitis media is to use antibiotic medications and to prescribe symptomatic medications based on the child’s specific symptoms, which is generally effective. Regional anti-inflammatory ear drops can be used, and painkillers can be moderately administered if the ear pain is severe. If the child also has a fever, antipyretic medication can be taken, but if the high fever persists, it is recommended to seek medical attention promptly. If tympanic membrane perforation occurs, it is necessary to go to the hospital for timely surgical treatment. During the treatment period, attention should also be paid to maintaining good dietary hygiene and adequate rest.