
A relative’s child is a cerebral palsy sufferer who can only speak simple words and cannot walk independently. How should it be treated?


Cerebral palsy often lacks specific early symptoms, making it difficult to differentiate from general developmental delays. In the early stages, there may not be any obvious developmental delays. Cerebral palsy patients often have some physical differences from others, which are symptoms of hypotonia, typically visible when infants are one month old. If these symptoms persist for more than four months, it can be diagnosed as severe brain damage, intellectual disability, or muscular system disease. The basic principle of balance function training for cerebral palsy patients is to start with the most stable posture and gradually progress to the most unstable posture, from static balance to dynamic balance, gradually increasing the difficulty of balance. The recovery process for children with cerebral palsy is a long and arduous journey, requiring not only medical treatment but also specialized rehabilitation training.