
For a 5-year-old child with cerebral palsy who is unable to walk, attend school, or take care of himself, what should be the treatment approach?


The typical symptoms of cerebral palsy include toes pointing downward, standing with toes supporting the weight, resembling a ballet position, and may even involve cross-legged or scissor-like gait. The limbs may exhibit weakness or excessive stiffness. In addition, infants may have difficulty properly closing their mouths, with weak or sharp crying sounds. The treatment of cerebral palsy should adopt a comprehensive treatment plan that includes repair and rehabilitation, while promoting the production and secretion of nerve growth factors in the body through instruments and treatment methods to achieve the goal of restoring patients to normal levels. The earlier the treatment for cerebral palsy begins, the better. Combining conventional treatment with rehabilitation training can effectively alleviate the child’s condition and help restore physical strength.