
After being diagnosed with ADHD, the child has undergone treatment, but there has been no noticeable effect. The academic performance is not ideal, the mood is unstable, the child is underweight, and the relationship with classmates is also poor.



The child has been diagnosed with ADHD and has received treatment, but there has been no significant improvement. His academic performance is unsatisfactory, his mood is unstable, he is underweight, and his relationship with classmates is also poor.


Hello. ADHD children generally have unstable emotions and are highly impulsive, struggling with self-control. They can become overly excited and act without thought, often losing their temper or crying when faced with setbacks. At school, they frequently engage in arguments or fights with classmates and act impulsively without considering the potential consequences. They might leap from high places without a second thought; they might drink water from a cup regardless of whether it’s hot or cold. Such impulsive actions can sometimes result in disastrous outcomes. It’s advisable to offer necessary counseling and treatment for ADHD children.