
An infant born 16 days ago has not had a bowel movement for a day, being breastfed. What could be the reasons, and what solutions can be used to address this?


Firstly, wishing your baby a swift recovery! Let me inform you about the information regarding “infant constipation” below. Infant constipation is a common condition, caused by various factors. In summary, it can be categorized into the following two types: 1) Functional constipation - this type of constipation can be treated after adjustment. 2) Constipation caused by congenital intestinal malformations - this type of constipation cannot be treated through general conditions and must be corrected through surgery. Most infant constipation is functional. If the baby eats too little, then the remaining residue after digestion will be less, and naturally, the feces will also be less. Insufficient sugar content in milk can make the stool dry. If you have a long-term diet, then your baby may not have a bowel movement in a day. This is not a disease. There is no need to worry; it’s fine.