
A pediatric cerebral palsy patient began experiencing seizures after shocks three years ago, and recently, due to a cold, the seizures have intensified. What medication should be used to treat the seizures?


Cerebral palsy, also known as brain palsy or cerebral paralysis, is a syndrome caused by damage or injury to the brain before, during, or within one month after birth, due to the underdevelopment of the brain. It primarily manifests as motor and posture impairments and is often accompanied by epilepsy, intellectual disability, and language disorders. The treatment methods for cerebral palsy are diverse, with physical rehabilitation training being the main therapeutic approach. Surgical treatment is not a first-line option due to its significant damage and strict indications, so it should be avoided as much as possible. Parents need to show more patience and love to assist their child’s recovery, and they should take their children for more physical exercise, cultivating…