
Based on the information you provided, the child is now five months old. However, we have noticed that the child does not like to smile and often has a blank stare at the ceiling. Sometimes, they involuntarily dribble saliva and their response to the outside world is slow. We suspect that the child may have cerebral palsy.


Diet is essential for everyone, and it is even more crucial for children with cerebral palsy. Attention should be given to nutritional supplementation and balance. It is particularly important to consume more nutritious and easily digestible foods while avoiding fried, spicy, greasy, and hot stimulating foods as well as indigestible foods. Encourage the child to eat more and avoid developing picky eating habits. Additionally, we recommend that you closely monitor any changes in your child’s condition. If any abnormal situations arise, it is advisable to visit a regular hospital for an examination and take targeted treatment based on your child’s current situation.