
A late-married couple welcomed their baby two years later, but unfortunately, the baby’s health condition has been poor since birth. Recently, after hospital examination, the baby was diagnosed with pediatric cerebral palsy. How effective are natural therapies for the treatment of pediatric cerebral palsy?


The causes of pediatric cerebral palsy are diverse, and it can occur at birth, before birth, or in the neonatal period after birth. Sometimes, it is caused by a combination of multiple factors. Although about one-third of cases can be traced back to a cause, some cases remain unexplained. For a long time, it has been believed that preterm birth, birth injuries, perinatal asphyxia, and kernicterus are the main causes of cerebral palsy, but these factors can only be considered as potential risk factors that may increase the risk of cerebral palsy, and not all children who experience these situations will develop cerebral palsy. Therefore, for the treatment of pediatric cerebral palsy, it is recommended that parents should take their children to a professional medical institution for timely treatment.