
When I was first pregnant, my doctor asked me if I wanted to keep the umbilical cord blood during childbirth because it could serve as a lifesaver for the baby if they fall ill. I agreed then, but I want to know, how much umbilical cord blood flow is normal, and how much needs to be kept for storage?


The normal value of umbilical cord blood flow is related to the gestational weeks. At 24 weeks, the average is 3.5, and the maximum should not exceed 4.25. After 28 weeks, the value should be less than 3; if it exceeds, it is considered abnormal. Umbilical cord blood contains hematopoietic stem cells that can be used to reconstruct the blood and immune system, treat leukemia, and other genetic diseases related to blood and the immune system, and can store about 80 milliliters.