
A parent is seeking medical advice regarding their 4-year-old child, who has been tested with a blood lead level of 71.78 and exhibits hyperactivity and nail-biting behaviors. The parent wants to know whether the child should be given chelating drugs and is concerned about the possibility of promoting lead absorption during the detoxification process.


When considering whether to administer chelating drugs to a child, it is first important to confirm that the medication has a national drug approval number to distinguish it from health supplements. In terms of diet, it is recommended to increase the intake of foods rich in calcium, iron, and zinc, as these elements can help promote the excretion of lead. Excessive lead can potentially harm a child’s intellectual development and sensory functions, so chelation should not be done blindly. The primary measure is to maintain the child’s hand hygiene, washing hands frequently to prevent lead from entering the body. For lead that has already entered the body, the body usually excretes it automatically without the need for additional medication.