
My baby is 3 years old. A few days ago, he kept having frequent high fevers, with temperatures around 40 degrees Celsius. Later, many spots appeared on his body. The hospital examination said it was an emergency. I want to give the baby some fever-reducing medicine, but I’m not sure if it’s necessary. So, do children with roseola need to take fever-reducing medicine?


Hello, friend. When a child’s body temperature rises frequently, it is necessary to use fever-reducing medication for treatment. For the red skin spots appearing on the child’s body, it is recommended to use topical medications to avoid causing allergies and itching. We suggest you first conduct tests to determine if there is a problem with viral infection, and use medication rationally based on the test results. At the same time, pay attention to maintaining the baby’s skin hygiene clean and take certain preventive measures. During this period, also pay attention to the rationality of the child’s diet.