
Everyone says that after giving birth, you should pay attention to the baby’s bottom and prevent redness. So, I take extra care of my baby’s little bottom. I almost always apply some talcum powder after the baby pees or has a bottom wash. Is this really necessary?


This belief is not scientifically supported. Talcum powder has the effects of cooling, heat relief, moisture absorption, and itching relief. It is used externally to treat eczema, heat rash, and other conditions. However, this product should not be used for long periods. If the baby’s bottom shows redness and swelling with infection, it can be used appropriately. It is okay to dry the area immediately after washing. There are reports about carcinogenic risks, but there are no effective figures to confirm them. In this case, it is recommended to wash with warm water and then apply talcum powder may improve the situation. Alternatively, choosing medication under a doctor’s guidance is appropriate.