
What symptoms might a child exhibit if they have tonsillitis? My 7-year-old son has recently started complaining of a sore throat and difficulty swallowing, accompanied by a low fever. What are the symptoms of pediatric tonsillitis?


Currently, pediatric tonsillitis is quite common, and its symptoms are quite apparent. Children may have difficulty swallowing due to a sore throat, leading to constant crying. Most children will have a fever, with temperatures reaching 39-40 degrees Celsius in severe cases. They may also experience symptoms such as headache, body aches, fatigue, and chills. The tonsils usually become red and swollen, mainly due to inflammation-induced congestion. A few children may develop complications such as asthma, sepsis, and nephritis. If the child’s condition worsens, it is advisable for parents to seek medical attention early on.