
Lately, for some reason, I’ve been wetting the bed every day. This hasn’t happened in the afternoon before. I hope the doctor can help analyze this. What should I do if an adult suddenly starts wetting the bed?


If an adult suddenly starts wetting the bed, consider it as a symptom of an abnormal disease originating from the head. People also believe that the body may be overly exhausted, and symptoms may be caused by excessive stress. It is recommended to undergo a head CT scan to rule out potential issues. At the same time, pay attention to staying warm, as there may be a significant relationship with body coldness and colds. Typically, you can practice pelvic floor exercises. During urination, deliberately stop a few times and rinse thoroughly. This can help strengthen bladder control and reduce the risk of bedwetting. If these methods do not resolve the issue, it is advisable to consult a professional doctor for more detailed diagnosis and treatment recommendations.