
Dear Dr. Wang, hello! I have consulted with experts and they suggest giving my child Pediatric Lilibao. Is Qingda a prescription medicine? Can I give it to my child directly from the pharmacy? Do I need to do a skin test? Thank you! I am eagerly waiting for your reply.


Abnormal baby stool can be caused by either improper feeding or disease. Abnormal stool caused by improper feeding can be restored by adjusting the diet. For abnormal stool caused by disease, it is necessary to take your child to the hospital for examination and treatment promptly to avoid delaying the condition. Blood diseases can also cause baby stool to contain blood threads, such as neonatal hemorrhagic disease, hemophilia, leukemia, aplastic anemia, and allergic purpura, all of which can lead to baby stools with mucus and blood threads. However, mothers should not be too anxious as baby stool containing blood is not always caused by disease.