
Age: 31 days, Gender: Female, I would like to ask, the child is 31 days old and still has some jaundice that has not subsided, with a slightly yellowish whites of the eyes! Liver function tests show a total bilirubin level of 172.6, direct bilirubin of 31.6, and indirect bilirubin of 141.0. I would like to ask if this is severe? Do I need to hospitalize the baby?


If it’s physiological jaundice, it will resolve on its own without causing concern (though it’s still important to check if the bilirubin levels exceed the jaundice standard). If it’s pathological jaundice, blue light therapy is the best method; do not delay. Otherwise, it may lead to kernicterus, which can affect the baby’s brain. The baby has pathological jaundice, and it is recommended to undergo blue light therapy for treatment to reduce the jaundice.