
My daughter suddenly started coughing and sneezing last night, and she broke out in a rash in the middle of the night. She refused to eat breakfast this morning. I asked our family doctor, and he said she has Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease and needs to go to the hospital for treatment. What should I do if she has Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease? Are there any ways to relieve the symptoms?


Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease is a viral infection that mainly requires antiviral and symptomatic treatment. You can take oral antiviral medications, focus on easy-to-digest soft foods in your diet, avoid catching a cold to prevent a weakened immune system. If there is a fever, you should also take oral fever-reducing medicine. Make sure clothing is loose and breathable, trim her nails to prevent scratching and breaking the skin which could lead to infection, and keep her diet light in taste.