
My son is five and a half years old. During the Spring Festival, we went to Lijiang where it was hot, and he ate several ice creams. On the night we returned to Chengdu, he vomited continuously, and the doctor diagnosed it as acute gastritis. After taking two days of medication, he recovered. Now, every time he drinks milk, he has stomach pain and vomits. Why is that? He didn’t vomit before when he was sick.


Acute gastritis is an acute inflammation of the gastric mucosa caused by various factors. Body stimulants such as excessive heat, extreme cold, overly rough foods, and exposure to X-rays can damage the gastric mucosa and lead to inflammatory changes. Food contaminated with bacteria or their toxins is the most common cause of acute gastritis. It’s likely that the gastric mucosa has not fully recovered, leading to stomach pain and vomiting when drinking milk. If possible, a herbal therapy can be performed, and tea can be used as a single or compatible medicine to form compounds for internal or external medical health care. The main purpose is to regulate the baby’s stomach, and once fully recovered, there should be no other issues.