
Family members say that drinking Chinese medicine during pregnancy can prevent the baby from having bumpy things after birth and can improve the baby’s skin. I used to be prone to acne, and once it appeared, there would be many of them. My mother suggested I take some Chinese medicine, saying it’s good for the baby, so what should I eat in the third trimester to excrete the fetus toxin?


Hello, regarding your situation, we recommend you pay attention to a balanced diet. In the third trimester, it is generally not necessary to use cooling medicine for treatment; the key is to eat more fruits and vegetables to avoid constipation issues. If you want to eliminate the accumulated fetus toxin in your body, you can try eating a bowl of Mung Bean and Old Goose Soup. Mung beans are a natural cooling ingredient, paired with the old goose meat suitable for women’s physique, which can provide pregnant women with abundant nutrition and is not spicy.