
My child was recently diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth disease. The child’s body is particularly itchy, and some areas are red. I’m not sure how it was triggered. The doctor said that intravenous fluid therapy will gradually recover, but prevention is still necessary. What good habits are needed for the treatment of hand, foot, and mouth disease in children?


Hand, foot, and mouth disease is related to poor hygiene habits and is caused by viral infection. After being diagnosed with hand, foot, and mouth disease, oral medication can be taken under the guidance of a doctor. If it is severe, intravenous drip treatment may be required! In everyday life, frequently wash your child’s hands, pay attention to their hygiene, do not take your child to crowded places with high people flow, try not to be picky with food and eat more vegetables and fruits. Preventing hand, foot, and mouth disease mainly involves maintaining hygiene, frequently washing your child’s hands, drinking an appropriate amount of water, not being picky with food or snacking, and eating more vegetables and fruits appropriately.