
My child is just over one year old. Since I’m taking care of the child alone, I’m worried about the child wetting the bed and always wearing a diaper at home. This year, my mother-in-law came to help me take care of the child, and she told me that diapers shouldn’t be worn for long periods of time as it can easily lead to diaper rash. I would like to know what causes diaper rash and what symptoms and dangers it poses?


Diaper rash is caused by long-term wearing of diapers or wet nappies. It generally manifests as redness, swelling, pain, and itching on a child’s buttocks. Therefore, parents who use diapers or wet nappies should pay attention to keeping the child’s buttocks dry. Especially after the child defecates, the bottom should be cleaned promptly, and talcum powder should be used appropriately to protect the skin.