
The child has been slow to respond, with poor memory and delayed intellectual development, leading to simple thinking and inability to attend school normally. Some believe this could be a sign of intellectual disability. What are the early symptoms of intellectual disability?


Symptoms of intellectual disability include: Firstly, the child may exhibit a lack of responsiveness to sights and sounds, failing to react to adult speech even at 6 months old, showing insufficient attention to people and objects around them, and having a dull gaze. Additionally, intellectually disabled children may also have difficulties with eating, such as nausea, vomiting, poor chewing ability, and frequent coughing when fed solid food at 6 to 8 months old. Secondly, normal children begin to smile at 2 months and can be amused at 4 months, but intellectually disabled children may not smile or only smile meaninglessly. Lastly, intellectually disabled children may also show delayed language development.