
Is frequent urination and bedwetting in children attributable to kidney deficiency? Recently, I’ve noticed that children are urinating more frequently and often wetting the bed at night. Does this indicate insufficient kidney function? If it is indeed related to kidney deficiency, how should appropriate supplementation and adjustment be made?


Hello, based on the described symptoms, a child’s frequent urination and bedwetting are not necessarily related to kidney deficiency. Frequent urination and urgency may be due to urinary tract infections or excessive internal heat. As for bedwetting, it is often related to lifestyle habits, requiring the cultivation of a regular urination habit and timely waking up children for bathroom breaks at night. It is recommended to undergo routine urine tests to confirm the presence of white blood cells. During the day, encourage children to drink more water, while reducing fluid intake at night. Additionally, consuming moderate amounts of fruit can also help with adjustment. Wishing your child a healthy growth.