How to Determine if a Child Has Intellectual Disability
The manifestations of intellectual disability in children include several aspects:
- MRIQ scores between 50 to 70, with mild defects in adaptive behavior.
- MRIQ scores in the moderate range, with moderate defects in recovery behavior.
- MRIQ scores in the severe range, with severe defects in recovery behavior.
- Extremely low MRIQ scores, with extremely defective recovery behavior. Additionally, a child’s delayed speech development may also be a sign of intellectual disability. It is recommended that parents bring their child to the hospital for an examination and testing as soon as possible, and develop a treatment plan suitable for the child, allowing the child to overcome the illness and grow up healthily. For parents, patience is key, and there are many treatment methods for intellectual disability. However, since patient symptoms vary, the treatment methods adopted will also differ. Therefore, it is recommended that patients seek diagnosis and treatment as soon as they discover symptoms.