
My child is 8 years old, and her navel is very deep, rarely washed. It often gets very dirty and has an unpleasant smell. Why does the navel smell and hurt?


Everyone’s navel has some secretion, which can serve a protective function in moderate amounts. However, if there is an excessive amount of secretion or brown matter exuding, there may be an issue with umbilical cord infection. When diagnosing in a hospital, the possibility of umbilical cord indentation should be considered. The navel is a dark, moist corner that is prone to waterlogging and difficult to dry. Moreover, the suitable temperature also provides a good growth environment for bacteria. Therefore, keeping the navel dry is very important to avoid exacerbation of infection. It’s important to clean the dirt inside the navel promptly, but avoid digging into it too forcefully. If the problem is due to an unclosed umbilical urachus, surgery may be required to resolve it.