
What factors cause our child’s cerebral palsy?


The causes of cerebral palsy mainly include the following six aspects:

  1. Pregnancy infections: such as influenza, rubella, herpes zoster, and other viral infections.
  2. Difficult labor: such as cephalopelvic disproportion, narrow pelvis, malpresentation, advanced maternal age, macrosomia with uterine contraction weakness, etc., which cause the labor process to be prolonged and lead to fetal intrauterine distress.
  3. Neonatal seizures: this is the most important risk factor for cerebral palsy. Neonates weighing less than 2500g require special care, and neonatal inhibition is an important factor in cerebral palsy. Please note that the above answer only includes an introduction to some of the causes of cerebral palsy. In specific situations, you should consult a doctor for more accurate diagnosis and treatment recommendations.