A six-month-old female infant has developed symptoms such as inability to lift her head, reduced movement in her limbs, dull eyes, no response to playful stimuli, and excessive sleep duration. The hospital diagnosed her with cerebral palsy. What factors cause cerebral palsy in children?
Hello! The causes of cerebral palsy in children are mainly categorized into three types:
- Prenatal factors: Genetic factors are increasingly recognized as a significant influence, such as a family history of epilepsy, cerebral palsy, and intellectual disability among close relatives, accounting for 65% of cerebral palsy cases. Additionally, chromosomal abnormalities are also causes of cerebral palsy in children.
- Birth factors: Preterm birth before 32 weeks, breech delivery, low birth weight below 2000 grams, and fetal malformation are important risk factors for cerebral palsy. Asphyxia during labor, amnionitis, abnormal presentation, and short umbilical cord are also high-risk factors.