
If a baby shows abnormal behavior after birth, how can you distinguish if they have cerebral palsy?


Cerebral palsy is a syndrome caused by non-progressive brain damage during the developmental period within one month after birth. It primarily manifests as central motor impairment and postural abnormalities, which may be accompanied by intellectual disability, epilepsy, behavioral abnormalities, or sensory impairments. It is necessary to exclude central paralysis caused by progressive diseases and normal developmental delays in children. To detect cerebral palsy, four main aspects should be observed: whether motor development is delayed, whether muscle tone and posture are abnormal, whether there is a decrease or abnormal voluntary movement, and whether reflexes are abnormal. Rehabilitation treatment mainly includes traditional Chinese massage, acupuncture, and functional training. It is recommended to receive systematic treatment at a rehabilitation treatment center in a large hospital, understanding that this is a long process.