
A child has been diagnosed with ADHD, and parents are concerned about the possibility of cure. The child exhibits hyperactive and disobedient behavior, and teachers suggest seeking professional help. What are the treatment methods for ADHD, and how can one choose the most suitable treatment plan?


ADHD is a condition that requires timely treatment, as it can otherwise affect a child’s normal learning and future development. Treatment with Western medicine provided by general hospitals may have negative effects on a child’s brain, such as slower reactions or impaired intellectual development. Therefore, it is recommended to seek treatment from experienced traditional Chinese medicine practitioners. Treatment with traditional Chinese medicine decoctions often shows effects after one to two courses, which is safe, does not affect a child’s intelligence, and can achieve both symptomatic and root treatment effects. Parents and teachers should provide support and encouragement to the sick child, helping them build self-esteem and confidence, and avoid discrimination, blame, or corporal punishment.