
My baby is a cerebral palsy patient, born at just seven months old. He developed cerebral palsy due to oxygen deprivation during his premature birth. I accidentally twisted my ankle during pregnancy and gave birth at seven months. My child has had cerebral palsy since he was a baby; he doesn’t cry or laugh, and his physical movements are extremely uncoordinated. How long can a child with cerebral palsy live?


Children with cerebral palsy generally have an expected lifespan not significantly different from that of healthy individuals, as long as they do not have other complications. However, their quality of life is relatively poorer compared to healthy individuals. Cerebral palsy does not have much to do with daily life. Active treatment and rehabilitation training can help improve the child’s condition. A three-year-old child with cerebral palsy still has a good chance of recovery, but it is a long-term process that requires various methods, such as hyperbaric oxygen therapy, as well as long-term rehabilitation training and recovery. Do not give up on rehabilitation and recovery; if you do, there is no hope.