
We just had a baby, and we felt that the child cried loudly. At first, we thought the child was scared by something, and the whole family didn’t believe it. We went to another hospital for a check-up, and the result was still the same. What are the causes of cerebral palsy?


The main causes of cerebral palsy include the following six aspects:

  1. Pregnancy Infection: Such as influenza, rubella, herpes zoster, and other viral infections.
  2. Dystocia: Conditions like cephalopelvic disproportion, narrow pelvis, malpresentation, advanced maternal age, and macrosomia that cause prolonged labor, leading to fetal intrauterine distress.
  3. Neonatal Seizures: Special care is required for neonates weighing less than 2500g. Neonatal depression is an important factor in cerebral palsy. Please note that the above is only one of the main causes of cerebral palsy. Specific situations still require detailed evaluation and judgment by doctors.