
A premature baby in a friend’s family was born prematurely and only found out about the cerebral palsy diagnosis after birth. Now 10 years old, the child can’t do much and has difficulty speaking clearly. They often just stare blankly, and during severe episodes, they can even have seizures. The family is very concerned.


Rehabilitation treatment for pediatric cerebral palsy is a comprehensive treatment system. It’s best to approach professional rehabilitation institutions systematically. For cerebral palsy children with language disorders, some points should be noted in family language training: 1. Maintain correct posture; when the child has better trunk control and feeding abilities, systematic language training can begin. It should be consistent with the child’s eye level. If it’s too high, the patient’s excessive expansion will be detrimental to pronunciation. Therefore, I suggest following the doctor’s guidance and recommendations to carry out rehabilitation treatment according to the child’s current condition, which will also greatly benefit the child’s recovery.