
I took some medication for a cold during pregnancy, and now the child is much behind his or her peers. At first, I thought the child was developing a bit slower, but later I found that his limbs are not well coordinated with his body, as if he cannot control them. It was only after a check-up at a children’s hospital that I learned it was cerebral palsy. What are the symptoms of pediatric cerebral palsy?


The symptoms of cerebral palsy can be divided into several types. First is the spastic type, primarily characterized by stiffness in the limbs. Next is involuntary movement, including involuntary movements of the limbs, head, and feet, as well as involuntary movements during purposeful actions. For example, the face may exhibit ‘brown eyebrows’, difficulty speaking and swallowing, and frequent drooling. There is also the ataxic type, which is characterized by muscle weakness in the limbs, inability to maintain body balance, unsteady gait, and incomplete fine motor movements such as those of the fingertips and nose. Simple ataxia is less common.