
Hands, feet, arms, calves, and belly button area. It feels like an allergy. Blisters have appeared. Extremely itchy. The more you scratch, the more comfortable it feels. The blisters discharge yellow fluid. It’s almost a year now. The skin hasn’t healed. Especially on the hands and feet, it’s particularly severe. Semen is colorless. There are very few white ones.


Your condition seems to be a skin rash caused by allergic factors. It is recommended that you pay attention to a light and easily digestible diet. Avoid cold, spicy, and other stimulating foods. If necessary, go to the hospital for further examination of the allergen source. Proper and positive oral or topical medication treatment can be effective. Try to avoid external adverse stimuli as much as possible. Such as hot water washing, severe scratching; try not to wear synthetic close-fitting underwear, fur products; avoid eating allergenic foods such as seafood, chili peppers, alcohol, coffee, etc.