
How Often Should Burn Ointment Be Changed?


Burns are categorized into three degrees: first-degree burns only damage the superficial skin layer, with localized mild swelling, no blisters, and significant pain; second-degree burns involve skin damage, localized swelling, and pain with blisters of varying sizes; third-degree burns affect the subcutaneous tissue, fat, muscle, and bone, appearing gray or reddish-brown. For children with burns, it is recommended to follow the doctor’s advice for medication treatment and avoid spicy foods. In most cases of second-degree burns, scarring may occur. Due to the hot weather now, it is suggested that the interval between changing the medication should not be too long, ideally every two to three days. Additionally, avoid water contact with the wound and use iodine tincture to disinfect the affected burn area. Vaseline can be used to prevent infection. For severe burns, it is best to seek treatment from a burn department or undergo surgery, and regularly check the effectiveness of the treatment.