
My baby has been diagnosed with diabetes for almost a year. But recently, she eats a lot and pees a lot, yet her weight keeps dropping. The doctor said she has diabetes. What is newborn diabetes? What is the best way to treat it?


Diabetes is a comprehensive syndrome caused by a variety of pathogenic factors, including genetic factors, immune dysfunction, microbial infections and their toxins, free radical toxins, and mental factors, which lead to reduced islet function and insulin resistance in the body. This triggers a series of metabolic disorders involving sugar, proteins, fats, water, and electrolytes. Common symptoms include polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, and weight loss. Treatment primarily involves dietary control. Consistent moderate exercise training. Rational medication use. High carbohydrate intake, low fat proportion, and controlled protein intake in the dietary structure can have a good effect on improving blood sugar tolerance.