
The baby is almost ready for kindergarten, but still can’t walk steadily. Falls over easily, moves slowly, speaks with unclear articulation, doesn’t smile much, has a dull gaze, and is of low intelligence. Very worried. After going to the hospital for a check-up, the baby was diagnosed with cerebral palsy. Can cerebral palsy in children be cured?


Cerebral palsy, commonly known as CP, typically refers to non-progressive motor disorders caused by various reasons leading to brain damage or developmental abnormalities between pre-birth and one month after birth. Clinically, it is characterized by abnormal posture and muscle tone, muscle weakness, involuntary movements, and ataxia. It often accompanies sensory, cognitive, communication, and behavioral impairments and secondary skeletal muscle abnormalities. Seizures may also occur. With proper treatment, the outcome can be relatively good. Beyond this period, the effectiveness of treatment may decrease. Home rehabilitation: Long-term treatment and training are a difficult and lengthy process in the treatment of cerebral palsy. Hospital treatment is only short-term. The key is long-term rehabilitation training after discharge.