
A two-year-old child developed a fever of 39 degrees on January 6th without any symptoms. After hospital treatment, the diagnosis was tonsillitis, and the child received three days of intravenous treatment. Upon returning home, the child started coughing and took children’s Niuhuang Qingxin San for two days. Subsequently, the child began to have diarrhea, abdominal distension, and vomiting. The diarrhea persisted for three days before the coughing stopped. How should this be handled?


Based on the child’s symptoms, it is possible that low immunity has led to recurrent respiratory infections. It is recommended to administer medications to enhance the child’s immunity, such as transfer factors and zinc gluconate. At the same time, consider using children’s azithromycin for treatment. The symptoms may be caused by viral or bacterial infections, so attention should be paid to keeping the child warm, encouraging them to drink plenty of warm water, and having a diet that is light and easy to digest. In addition, anti-inflammatory, antiviral, and expectorant medications can be used. Moreover, ensure that the child gets adequate rest and avoids excessive activity.