
A one-year-old child has been infected with the flu virus, exhibiting persistent coughing and clear nasal discharge. Despite taking medication for several days, the cough remains severe. The parent wants to know which medications should be used and inquires whether it is possible to simultaneously use Cefixime, Ribavirin, Anfen Huangla’an Granules for Children, and Chuanxian Ling Granules for Children.


The flu is an acute respiratory infection caused by the flu virus, characterized by high contagiousness. It is primarily transmitted through droplets containing the virus, but may also be transmitted through contact between people or contact with contaminated items. Typical clinical symptoms include acute high fever, significant fatigue, body muscle aches, nasal congestion, runny nose, and sneezing. Treatment of the flu should involve early use of antiviral medications, avoiding blind or inappropriate use of antibiotics, strengthening supportive treatment, preventing and treating complications, and rationally using symptomatic treatment drugs. Rest, staying hydrated, increasing nutrition, and providing easily digestible food should be emphasized. When selecting medications, it is recommended to consult a doctor to ensure proper medication use and avoid unnecessary drug interactions.