
At three months old, a newborn was found to have a slight neck tilt, and as time went by, the condition worsened. After hospital examination, it was confirmed as cervical torticollis and required hospitalization. How should neonatal cervical torticollis be treated?


For newborns with neck torticollis, passive traction correction can usually begin around 14 to 15 days after birth. This correction method involves tilting the baby’s head towards the healthy side, bringing the healthy earlobe closer to the shoulder, and performing movements in the opposite direction of the deformity. The treatment should be gentle, and in daily life, using a pillow during feeding and sleep, as well as using toys to attract the attention of the sick child, can help correct the posture. In addition, physical therapy is also an effective auxiliary treatment method. Most infants will see some relief or even complete correction of the torticollis after receiving manual correction. For cases where correction is not effective, it is recommended to consider surgery.