
A newborn at home, just 20 days old, is experiencing persistent hiccups after feeding, even after trying to soothe them by feeding water or gently patting their back. In this situation, is it suitable to feed the newborn when they are burping?


Newborn hiccups are usually caused by delicate internal organs, insufficient vitality, and incomplete development of the chest and diaphragm. During hiccups, it is not recommended to continue breastfeeding. Instead, it is appropriate to allow the baby to burp and apply a warm compress to the abdomen, which can help improve the situation. Daily meals should be moderate to avoid overeating and maintain a warm temperature suitable for infants. When the newborn is burping, to avoid discomfort for the baby, toys can be used to distract them or soft music can be played to shift their attention. This can gradually reduce the frequency of hiccups until they naturally disappear.