
A seven-month-old baby has developed grey-green stool after starting to feed on Yashili brand formula. Some mothers have suggested that this might be due to the incomplete absorption of iron in the formula. Is this claim correct? Do we need to change the formula?


Firstly, it is necessary to confirm whether the green color of the baby’s stool is a bright green or a grey-green, as well as the consistency of the stool, whether it is dry or loose, and the frequency of bowel movements. If the stool is bright green and loose, with an increased frequency of bowel movements, this may be due to malnutrition-related diarrhea caused by the baby not being fed enough. In this case, attention should be paid to increasing the baby’s milk intake. Additionally, abdominal coldness may also lead to changes in the baby’s stool consistency, so it is important to keep the baby’s abdomen warm. Grey-green stool is usually due to food residue being digested by bile, which is yellow and makes the stool acidic. After being exposed to air, it may turn green. This kind…