
My baby is over 11 months old, and I want to give her some yogurt. However, the Mengniu Probiotic Yogurt I bought is kept in the refrigerator, and it’s too cold when I take it out for her to drink. I wonder if I can add some hot or warm water to make it not too cold, won’t that be bad for her? Can my baby drink yogurt?


A baby’s stomach is quite small. If they drink yogurt, they might not be able to drink formula milk anymore. The preparation of formula milk is more scientific. Considering the nutritional components of yogurt and the potential harm it may cause to children, it is not recommended for parents to give babies yogurt too early. It’s best not to give it to them before they turn one year old. Between one and three years old, they can drink it in moderation, but formula milk should still be the main choice. The pH level of yogurt is not suitable for the stomachs of babies under one year old. The mucous membrane of a baby’s gastrointestinal tract is very delicate. The lactic acid bacteria in yogurt are acidic, which can stimulate underdeveloped mucous membranes and lead to gastrointestinal diseases in young children.