
How should a full-term baby born with a weight of only 2 pounds be handled? Although the baby was full-term, the weight was only 3 pounds, and it took three and a half months to reach 9 pounds. All checks during pregnancy were normal, but the baby was born with low birth weight. How should a full-term baby weighing only 2 pounds plus be addressed?


During the 8 to 38 weeks of pregnancy, malnutrition or diseases in the mother may lead to fetal growth retardation, resulting in low birth weight at delivery. Such babies have less subcutaneous fat, poor warming ability, weaker respiratory and metabolic functions, and are particularly susceptible to infections, with a higher mortality rate than normal birth weight infants. Moreover, their intellectual development may also be affected. Some dietary habits and picky eating may lead to malnutrition and low birth weight. For these babies, enhanced care should be provided.